Selected List of Client Examples
C3 Collaborating for Health
Matrix PHS partnered with C3 Collaborating for Health to deploy an innovative, evidence-based approach that shifts decision-making to local communities by engaging them as ‘citizen scientists’ in an investigation about their health and the built environment (e.g., the shops, restaurants and parks in their neighbourhood). Created by Dr Denise Stevens founder of Matrix PHS, CHESS® includes a mobile technology tool that equips local communities in identifying and mapping the barriers they face every day when making choices about diet, activity and healthy living.
MATRIX served as an evaluator for a national initiative across 10 communities known as Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH). The goal of DASH was to promote data and information sharing, collaboration and the development of multi-sectoral partnerships around health and social determinants data.
Aetna foundation
MATRIX worked with the foundation for over a decade on a variety of projects in the healthy communities landscape including: 1) a national evaluation of their obesity initiative; 2) an assessment of the impact of their investments in this area; 3) in partnership with the Hispanic Federation conducted CHESS® in several communities (Bridgeport, Bronx, Brooklyn); and 4) technical assistance advisor to over 100 grantees across the country. (CHESS® is a product developed by MATRIX).
Medtronic foundation
The PatientLink Initiative was one of Medtronic Foundation’s philanthropic initiatives that was funded for over 15 years and provided support to approximately 200 patient organizations globally. The Foundation wished to know the impact of this significant investment. The focus of our work was to design and implement an evaluation strategy to answer this question.
National institutes of health
In a joint effort between the National Institutes of Health and United Health Group – Ovations Initiative, 11 Centers of Excellence in Chronic Disease Prevention (COE’s) were funded around the world to lead the charge in their countries for addressing the global burden of chronic disease. MATRIX worked with Westat the lead contractor for the NIH to conduct an evaluation of the centers.
Novo nordisk
For many years Novo Nordisk, as part of its corporate social responsibility agenda, sponsored a partnership program in developing countries to enhance the treatment and identification of diabetics as well as the training of physicians in diabetic care. MATRIX conducted an external evaluation across multiple low income countries that included assessing the health care delivery system for diabetes care and management. The design of the evaluation included assessing the quality of care, infrastructure and provider challenges.
oxford health alliance - community interventions for health (cih)
MATRIX served as the International Evaluation Study Coordination Centre for the 3-year Community Interventions for Health (CIH) pilot study. CIH was a multinational chronic disease intervention project targeting the 3 leading risk factors for chronic disease: tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. The interventions took place across multiple settings (health care centres including hospitals and primary care clinics, schools, workplaces, and neighbourhoods). The interventions occurred across these multiple sectors and included structural interventions, health education and community coalition building. Please visit for more information about the project.
Rockefeller foundation
In partnership with V Day, a national organization to end violence against women and girls, MATRIX served as the evaluator to assess a program entitled – STOP THE VIOLENCE: NYC. The Foundation wished to understand more about the impact of this investment. The intervention involved a series of arts and cultural activities that included celebrities and focused on raising public awareness and funds to stop violence against women and girls. MATRIX designed an evaluation framework that included gathering surveys from over 3500 individuals and observed and rated over 30 events. The Foundation was able to learn about the results of this type of media focused investment and in addition to the evaluation a policy document was developed to support future work in this area.
SAMHSA Evidence based research to practice
As part of a contract with SAMHSA ‘s Center for Mental Health Services, MATRIX provided professional services on evidence-based practices by reviewing model programs in the National Registry for Effective Programs (NREP) with the purpose of identifying programs that might also be applicable to mental health (in addition to substance abuse). In addition to reviewing existing programming, reports were written that addressed the current state of prevention on the national level including available graduate-level training, prevention credentialing in the area of mental health for professionals, seminal prevention documents, and early psychosis intervention work. Lastly, a graduate course curriculum was drafted on the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders.
children with special health care needs - statewide practice change initiative
In conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Public Health, MATRIX participated in several phases of restructuring the provision of care for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) in the state following HRSA and AAP federal guidelines for implementing medical homes as a model of care. During Phase I we conducted a statewide needs assessment of families as well as providers, in order to identify strengths as well as gaps and barriers in service delivery. In Phase II we conducted a process evaluation study of the care provided by two centers for CSHCN as well as a pilot medical home evaluation project. In Phase III we provided technical assistance to the Medical Home Learning Collaborative – a core group of medical homes (Hospitals and Pediatric Primary Care Clinics) existing across the state. During our engagement MATRIX helped expand the original core group of three pediatric providers to a statewide network. Our work involved developing a training curriculum, service protocols (individualized care plans, treatment plans), and individualized technical assistance regarding data collection and monitoring.
healthcare for the homeless - statewide change initiative
In collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Health and a multi-agency statewide taskforce MATRIX conducted a study that examined the health care needs of the homeless population. The strategies used involved reviewing available information gathered on the homeless population regarding health and well-being, conducting surveys with providers of shelters regarding ways in which they addressed healthcare issues for their homeless clients, and a series of key informant interviews with stakeholders in the system of care, including homeless persons.
Funded by the Bristol Myer Squibbs Foundation, the Yale Cancer Firewall project was a pilot project on the feasibility of Health Navigation services as a way in which to address cancer risk factors and improve cancer screening rates in under-served populations in Connecticut. Over the 3-year period MATRIX conducted formative evaluation on the program leading to the development of a successful pilot program.
BH Care
MATRIX served as the lead evaluator and systems change specialist for this large behavioral health organization based in Connecticut. The work spanned providing formative evaluation approaches to new program integration such as Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid treatment, among other evaluation focused initiatives.